Setting up service forms
Once you have setup up your forms you can create service level forms. These are forms that are specific to the service being performed and will be attached to the client when a booking is made.
1. Select Settings from the menu in the side bar.
2. In the Settings screen under the Services heading click on Manage Your Services.
3. Click on the Service that needs a form filled out.
4. In the Service details, scroll down to the Client Form Details section.
Note: This will only be visible if you have set up some forms that should be service level.

5. Choose the appropriate form and select when the form needs to be filled out.
6. Click Save to update the Service details.
The service is now all configured and next time the appointment is booked the client will get this form. Remember to use the Arrive button on appointments to remind you of outstanding forms or email the client to get them to fill out the forms beforehand.