Adding a deposit to an appointment

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If a client pays a deposit for a specific appointment you can easily record it against their account.

1. On the Appointment screen click on the appointment you want to add the deposit to or use the More Options on the appointment hover menu.

2. Click on the Add Deposit option on the popup menu

3. On the deposit popup enter the deposit amount the client is paying, choose the payment method and click OK.

The deposit will now be recorded against the client. For example, see here the account balance is in credit by $20.00

Note:  You can also take payment for the deposit online by Emailing the client a Payment Request. This option will only be available if you select a payment type that is configured with Stripe or Windcave PaymentExpress. For more information on how to set these up, please see either Setting up Stripe for taking payments or Configuring WindCave (PaymentExpress) Payments.

4. Now when you Send To Sale and Complete Sale at the end of the appointment, the deposit will automatically be applied in the payment screen to reduce the amount owed by the client. 

The sales screen shows $70.00 total for the service:

The payment screen automatically applies the $20.00 account credit, reducing the amount due to $50.00:

Complete the payment and you're done!

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