Configuring WindCave (PaymentExpress) Payments

WindCave, formerly PaymentExpress, is a great company to allow you to use an integrated payment terminal solution in your business.

Please note: As WindCave is a third-party, they may experience outages independent of YoureOnTime, these outages and their status can be tracked here:

Before configuring WindCave for payments you will need to sign up for an account with them.

Once you have signed up with WindCave you will need to make sure you have three bits of important information from them.

1. HIT Username.
2. HIT Key.
3. Station Id. This is the serial number of your terminal. If you have more than one terminal you will have a different station id for each one.

Once you have these bits of information you can configure the new payment type in You'reOnTime.

Adding a WindCave (PaymentExpress) payment type

Adding a payment type is easy.

1. Click on  Settings in the side menu

2. In the Setting  screen under the Payments section  click  the Manage Payment Types option

3. In the Payment Type Search screen click  Add a New Payment Type

4. You will now be in the screen ready to add a new payment type. Firstly, make sure you choose WindCave (PaymentExpress) as the Payment Category.

You should also make sure you enter the User and Key that you were supplied. For the description you might want to call it something intuitive for your staff, so call it Card Terminal or similar name.

5. Now click Save and the new payment type will be added.

Adding a new terminal

Now that you have connected your WindCave account to a payment type you should configure a terminal for each computer you are going to have a card reader connected to.

Adding a terminal is easy and you can see instructions here on how to set them up

The important thing when setting up terminals now is that you will see a field for a terminal serial number. You should enter the serial number supplied into that field.

Now that you have set up your terminal you are all ready to take payments with your WindCave terminal.

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