
If you have more than one computer or cash drawer in your salon, you can make them all individual terminals for Sales and Banking purposes

To set up the use of individual terminals,

1. Simply click on Settings in the side menu.

2. Click on Manage Your Terminals under the heading Sales

3. From the Terminal Search screen, you are able to create new terminals by clicking on the +Add New button

4. Enter the details for your new terminal, and click Save

5. Once you have created the new terminals, they will be viewable in the Terminal Search screen

6. To select the Terminal from which you are making a sale, complete the sale as normal and simply select the appropriate Terminal from the dropdown menu on the right-hand side of the Sale screen

When you have selected the Terminal once, YoureOnTime will remember the selection for next time and this will be the default terminal for the computer you are using.  

7. When banking at the end of the day, you need to select which terminal you are doing the end of day banking for, to select this, simply complete banking as normal and choose the appropriate terminal from the Terminal dropdown menu as shown below


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