Create a Google Play Developer Account

To publish your app on the Google Play store, you must first create a Google Play Console account. This account will serve as the platform for your app, even though our team will be handling the publication process. This article will guide you through the setup and completion of your Google Play Console account.

To get started, you will need the following:

  • A Google Account for your organization, connected to the person setting up the account (you).
  • A form of payment for the one-time $25 fee required for account creation.
  • A clear and legible photo of your valid driver's license or government-issued photo ID for ID verification. Do not crop the photo or remove the background.
  • Your D-U-N-S Number

Once your console account is created, you will need to invite You'reOnTime to manage the publication of your app.

Please follow the step-by-step guides provided below to create and set up your Google Play Console. It is important to read and follow each step carefully, as skipping ahead may cause issues when our team attempts to publish or update your app in the future.

  1. Open an Incognito or Private browser tab and navigate to and click on the Go to Play Console button

  2. Login to your Google for Business email account as described in Your Business Details, you may be prompted to turn on 2-step verification at this point. Once you have successfully logged in, choose An Organization as your account type and click the Get started link

  3. Make sure you have your D-U-N-S number and Your Business Details at hand and then Click Continue on the next screen.

  4. To successfully open a Google Developer Account, please ensure the following:

    - Fill in all the required fields accurately and completely.

    - Carefully read the notes provided next to each field before entering the required information.

    - Google may request specific details to verify your identity and your organization, so be prepared to provide them.

    - Avoid using any test, example, or fake data when filling out the form.

  5. To set up a Google Payments account, follow these steps:

    - Create or select a payment profile.

    - Choose the option to create a new payments profile.

    - Enter your DUNS number.

    - Confirm your organization's identity.

    By following these instructions, you will be able to successfully set up a Google Payments account.

  6. Please accept the Google Play Console Terms and Conditions and finalize your account setup by paying a one-time fee of $25 USD. After your payment is processed, you will gain access to your brand new Google Play Console account!

  7. Back to the Google Play Console You will be prompted to verify your identity. To begin click the Verify identity link

  8. Please fill out the form and provide a clear scan of your government-issued photo ID. It is important that the information you provide in the form matches exactly with the details on your legal documentation. If your ID has an old address, please use that address for this verification process. Failure to do so may result in Google not being able to verify your organization or identification. If you encounter any issues with the verification process, please get in touch with You'reOnTime for assistance. Please note that Google has a limited number of verification attempts.

  9. Please complete the organization form following the same process you used for the personal ID form. This additional verification is necessary for Google and the information provided must match the uploaded document, even if the address is outdated.

  10. Back to the Google Play Console, click Users and permissions on the left-hand side menu. Then click the 3 dots on the right-hand side and select Invite new users option.

  11. To invite a user:

    - Enter in the email address field.

    - Open the Account permissions tab and select the Admin box.

    - Click the blue Invite user button at the bottom right of the screen.

    Once our team accepts your invitation, you will receive an email from Google.

  12. Back to the Google Play Console, click on Setup, then API Access, then the Learn more about Publishing API setup

  13. Please open an article by Google and navigate to the "Google Play Developer API page" by scrolling down and clicking on the link. A new tab will open, and you may be required to agree to the terms by checking the box. After that, click on the "Agree and Continue" link and finally click the Enable button.

  14. To access the Google Play Android Developer API, follow these steps. First, click on the hamburger menu located at the top left corner of your screen. Next, select the IAM & Admin menu item. Finally, choose Service Accounts from the options provided.

  15. In the Service accounts screen, click the + CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT link:

  16. In the Create service account screen, enter "YouOnTime Google Play API" in the Service account name and click Continue

  17. In step 2, start typing "Service Account Admin" in the Select a role box and click the Continue button

  18. In step 3, enter in the Service account users role box and then click Done

  19. Click the Service Accounts menu item and under the column Actions, click the 3 black dots and select Manage Keys

  20. This will load the specific service account page, in this example, called YoureOnTime Google Play API. Click the ADD KEY button and select Create new key

  21. A pop up window will appear to create the key, make sure that the JSON option is selected and click the CREATE button. This will download a small file to your computer that you will need to email us later.

  22. Click the Service Accounts menu item again, and hover to the service account record that was created and select the Copy to clipboard option

  23. Back to the Google Play Console, click the Users and permissions menu item on the left, and in Manager users select Invite new users

  24. In the Invite user screen, enter in the Email address field and then under Permissions click the Account Permissions tab, check the Admin (all permissions) checkbox and click Invite User

  25. The final step is to email with the subject "Google Developer Account Invite from Business Code: [your business code]". For example "Google Developer Account Invite from Business Code 1234" . In the email, inform us of the your business email address you used to open the Google Developer account, and attach the JSON file.

  26. That's it! After this, it will take between of 3-5 business days to get your Custom Branded App up and running in the app stores. The next step is to make sure that your Custom Branded App is set up correctly .

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