Customer Self Check-In
Self Check-In
Your business might have a lot of walk-in customers and you may wish to use our Self Check-In feature. This can be set up on a tablet computer, like an iPad, at your counter where clients can enter their name on the Waiting List. Follow these instructions to configure your iPad. Configuring your iPad for Self Check-in or Forms
Note: you can contact support if you require help with customising
Pre-booked Appointment
1. When the client arrives they will go onto the iPad at the counter and will have a screen similar to this. The client will click Yes, as they have an existing appointment.
2. They will then be asked to enter their phone number or email address.
3. Once they have entered their phone number or email address, they will receive the following confirmation.
Walk-in Customers
1. When the client arrives they will go onto the iPad at the counter and will have a screen similar to this. The client will click No, as they do not have an existing appointment.
2. They will then be able to select the First Available or preferred stylist.NB. Staff who are currently on a break will not appear on this screen.
3. Select whether they are a New Client or Returning Client.
4a. If the Walk-in chooses New Client, this screen will come up and fields will need to be filled in and click OK.
If they are a Returning Client, they will be prompted to enter their phone number or email address.
4d. The client then selects their Services and Appointment Time from the available options.
4e. The Client clicks OK and will then be placed on the Waiting List.
Note: The screenshot below shows what is visible on the Waiting List tab on the Appointments screen. The yellow represents a client that is waiting and the green is a client that is currently In Progress.