Appointment notifications

There are a few different notifications, emails or SMS messages, that can be sent out automatically during the life of an appointment. 

Appointment Reminders

These are the standard reminders that most people know about. They are used for sending a message to a client shortly before their appointment to reduce no shows and cancellations. You can learn about setting up the reminders here

Other notifications

Along with the normal appointment reminders, there are some others you can send. These can all be configured by the following:

1. Click on the Marketing menu from the side menu.

2. Click the  Automated Marketing and Reminders option.

3.  Here you will find multiple options for setting up Email or SMS reminders. Enabled reminders will have a Tick-mark next to them

These reminders will use email or SMS template you have set up via these instructions

For all bookings

These messages will be sent out when all clients make a booking. This might include the booking location, date and time or any specific information you require.

For every appointment, it will send a message shortly beforehand to remind the client, reducing no shows and cancellations.
For new clients

Similar to the for all bookings notifications except it will be only sent to clients who have never had an appointment before.


This will be sent after an appointment is finished. It typically will be sent to ask for a review but could also be used for any follow-up information.


This sends clients a special message on their birthday, or shortly beforehand.


This sends a message to clients with outstanding forms that they can fill out ahead of the appointment.

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