2-way Calendar Sync with Google Calendar

If you have a Google Calendar account then you might want to try our 2-way synchronization with Google Calendar. This means that all of your Google events and appointments will appear in your, You'reOnTime Calendar and vice versa. Please note that if you wish to make changes to your, You'reOnTime schedule that this must be done via You'reOnTime as it will check for scheduling conflicts. The same applies to your Google events, if you wish to make changes to these events it must be done via Google Calendar. 

  1. Login to your Google Account and make sure that your Timezone settings are the same in You'reOnTime as they are in Google Calendar.  In your Google Calendar Account, under My Calendars click in the calendar you wish to load into You'reOnTime and select Settings and sharing
  2. In the Calendar Details tab, make sure the Your current time zone is the same in your You'reOnTime account.

    Your You'reOnTime account Country and Timezone settings can be found by following these steps:
  3. On the side menu, click on Settings.
  4. In Settings under the Business Details section select Business Settings
  5. In the Business Details section, select your Country and Timezone settings, ensuring they are the same as your Google Calendar settings.
    Now we can continue on with linking You'reOnTime with Google Calendar.
  6. Click into the Appointments screen to see which appointments you have for that day.  In the example, you will see that Isa Ruddy has a client booked in for 2:30 pm.
  7. Now go back to the side menu click on Settings and under the Appointments section click on Google Calendar Sync.
  8. When in the Google Calendar Sync screen click on the Sign in with Google button to link You'reOnTime to your Google account.
  9. Select the account you wish to log in to.
  10. Read through and confirm that you agree to the terms then click Allow.
  11. To load your Google Calendar appointments to You'reOnTime, tick the Load Events from Google Calendar checkbox and then select which Calendars to load.
  12. To send your You'reOnTime appointments to Google Calendar, tick the Send Appointments to Google Calendar checkbox, then select which Calendar to send the appointments to. We recommend creating a new calendar in Google specific for You'reOnTime to send your appointments to. Click Save.
  13. Now return to your Google Calendar account, click on today's date and you will see the appointments from You'reOnTime have now been imported to your Google Calendar.

    Note: Appointments for other staff members will also be shown. The name of the staff member will be displayed.
  14. Now to test the 2-way sync, let's add a Google Calendar event, for example, a Doctors Appointment as shown below:
  15. Return to your You'reOnTime account and click on the date that you added the Google Appointment in. Click anywhere on the You'reOnTime scheduler and the New Appointment Options pop up will appear. Click the Sync button as shown below:

  16. A message box will appear informing you that the Synchronisation has started. This means synchronisation is running in the background and will be completed shortly. 
  17. The next time you click on the appointment screen, your Google event that was added in Google Calendar will now appear on your You'reOnTime scheduler. 

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