Performing a Refund
- Click on the Sales option from the side menu.
- Select Transaction List, under Actions on the right-hand side of the screen.
The Sales List pop up will appear, by default listing all sales performed on the current day. If the refund required is on a different date, you can search by Sale Date or Invoice number and the Sales list will automatically update. Then click on the Invoice number and it will load the invoice on the next screen
- The Sales screen will appear listing all the Invoice Items within the sale. In this example, we have one Service Item (Men's Cut) and one Product Item (ARTec Kiwi Conditioner). We will go through the refund process for each item. Click on the Refund link on the right-hand side menu.
The Sales screen will now be in Refund Mode.
We will first refund the Service Item (Full Colour - Long). Click on the +Service button.
The Add Service menu will then appear.
Select the service you want to add to the refund. In this example, we will be refunding the Full Colour - Long service item.
Confirm the Discount %, Price and Sale Staff, then click Add.
The item has now been added to the refund.
Now, let's refund the Product Item. Click on the +Product button and the Add Product menu will appear. Search for the product using the Search by Name or Barcode dropdown menu.
Update the Quantity, Discount %, Price and Sale Staff, then click Add.
- Both items to be refunded are now added to the refund. Click Complete Sale to issue the refund.
- The Refund popup will appear showing the amount to be refunded. You have the option to select the Refund payment type, once you have chosen your Refund payment type click OK to proceed or Cancel to close the window.
- When refunding to the Client Account, you can find the credit amount in the Client History.