Managing user accounts

You might find a situation where your clients are struggling to log into their account when creating an online booking. If this is the case there are a few simple steps that should help resolve it.

Firstly, you need to determine what kind of account they previously used to log on with. To do this find the client in your clients screen

Once you have done this you can scroll down to the section on the client details which tells you which kind of account they previously used to log in with.

The Online booking account type may say a few different things. If it says Facebook or Google, then that means they used their social login when previously booking and should manage their password via that system. Sometimes users might login with Google previously, but in future try and enter a Username & Password using their gmail account. This would be incorrect, they should use the Google login option they previously used. The same applies for Facebook.

If the Online booking account type says Username/Password that means they created their own username and password when logging into the online booking system. If they are having problems resetting the password or logging in, you can just create a new password for them, see the second below on Reseting Passwords.

If the Online booking account type says Legacy account. If client cannot login reset their password, that means they logged in with their own username and password using the old login system. They can easily just create a new account with the same email they previously used when booking, but if they are getting stuck you can just follow the Resetting Passwords section to do it for them in a click.

Finally, if the  Online booking account type says User has no account connected. Reset Password to create an account, that means they have never previously connected to the online booking with a user. If they are getting stuck thinking they previously had an account and trying to reset the password, you can just follow the section on Resetting Passwords which will create a new account for them.

So the summary of all this is, assuming they didn't use Facebook or Google, just using the Reset Password function should solve most of their problems.

Resetting Password

If you want to reset the password for the clients online booking login all you have to do is click the Reset Password button. If the client doesn't have an account yet, this button will also create one they can use.

After pressing the button you will be presented with the following email screen.

While you can change the content of this email or use your own template, it is important to not change the username or password. If you do the client will not be able to log in.

After clicking OK, they user will be sent an email with the new username and password and all they have to do is click the link in the email and log straight in.

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