Setup Client Reviews

Client reviews are important as they have become a reference point that so many people trust. They are measured by how clients feel about their experience with the service provided. Happy customers bring more customers. 

Sending Automated Review Emails / SMS

You'reOnTime offers an easy way for you to gather valuable feedback and reviews for your business through Automated Review Emails/SMS. Let's take a look at how to enable this.

  1. Click on Marketing.

  2. From the Marketing options, click on Automated Marketing and Reminders.

  3. From the Automated Messages options, click on either Email or SMS for the Reviews option to setup corresponding messages. In this example, we will be focusing on email.

  4. Select your preferences for when to send the review email to clients.

  5. You can select an existing email template or create a new email message using the following options. You can also add a Reply Email address if you want your customers to be able to reply directly via email.

  6. There is a Select File option if you would like to attach anything.

  7. You send yourself a test message by adding your email address to the Test Email Address field and clicking Send Message.

  8. Once you are finished setting up your review email, click Save.

Publishing Reviews to Your Online Booking Site

You can quickly and easily publish reviews of your choosing by following the steps below. 

  1. Click on Settings.

  2. Under the Online Booking heading click on Client Reviews.

  3. Here you can see all of your client reviews. Click Publish to make the review public on your Online Booking site. 

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