Checking out sales on the Waiting List

Once the staff member has finished all services on the client they can then send to sale, this is done through the Waiting List Tab.  When you are in this Tab you will be able to see who is currently with a staff member and who is waiting. 

This screenshot shows that the yellow represents a client that is waiting and the green is a client that is currently In Progress. 

1. When a service has been completed and you need to Send to Sale, click on the Send to Sale button.

2. The Sales screen will appear, click on Service and a services menu will pop on the right side of the screen and select the services which have been performed. 

3. Once the service has been clicked on, you will see this on the right side of the screen. Click Add to add this service to the sale. 

4.  Now the service has been added to the sale.  If there is more than 1 service all you need to do is follow steps 2 & 3. 

4a. If a service was added by mistake, it is very easy to delete from the sale. Select service you wish to delete and click on the Delete button as shown.

4b. Confirm pop up screen will appear to delete the item, click Yes.

5.  Now you can Complete Sale, by clicking the button at the bottom of the screen.

6.  In the Payment screen, Select payment type.

7. For this example we will use Cash, you may also add any Tips here as well. Click on Cash, the amount will automatically appear.  Finally click the Complete Payment button.

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