Locking staff rosters

There may be a time when you don't want to allow last-minute changes to your staffs work schedule, so people can't change their own schedule a day before or potentially the supervisor can't change the roster either. This can be useful if you are having too many late changes causing staffing problems. 

In order to lock the rosters follow these steps.

1. Go to Staff General Settings from the Settings screen.

2. In the Staff Settings section is a field Lock staff rosters this many days before. If you change this field Current Day they won't be allowed to change rosters for the current workday. If you set it to 1 day then they won't be able to change it the day before, and so forth. Change it to Don't Lock to allow any changes.

3. Click Save to change these options.

Now if someone tries to change the roster during the lock period and they are not allowed to they will get an error.

If you want to set which user levels are allowed to change the roster during the lock period set it in Settings, Staff Security Levels.

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