Importing clients

If you have a list of clients from another system or just want a quicker way to enter many new client records then using the Client Import function is useful.

1. Click on the Clients option on the side menu

2. Click on the Import Clients button on the right-hand side.

3. Once on the client import screen, you will see a link to download the template file. This is a file you can open in MS Excel and will be in the correct format to be imported into You'reOnTime. So you should download this file and add the client records you have into the file. If your client data is in a different format file you should copy and paste it into the template. Also, take note of the Data File Format section which tells you the required fields and data format.

4. Once you have created the file, use the Select File option to load it into You'reOnTime. The first step will validate the file is correct. If there are any problems, it will tell you what they are and on what. If you have any problems send the file to and we will find the problem.

5. Once the file is correct click the Import now button and the clients will be loaded into your system.

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