Viewing sync history
When you have done a transfer to Xero it is possible to find a historical record of transfers.
On the Xero Sync page click the Xero Synchronisation History option.
- Click on Sales.
- On the Sales screen, click on the Xero Sync button.
- The Xero Synchronisation screen will now be displayed. Click on the Xero Synchronisation History button.
- Here you will be shown a list of invoices that have been sent to Xero. In here you can see any errors that may have occurred, link to the original sale or banking record in You'reOnTime, or link directly into the transferred invoice in Xero.
Click the Xero button to open the invoice in Xero.
Click the Resync button to queue the invoice to be resynced with Xero. This will move the transaction back to the queue (Xero Synchronisation screen).
Click the View button to view the sale in You'reOnTime.
- Any unsuccessful transfers will also be displayed in Xero Synchronisation History, along with a description of the error.