Redeeming a Gift Voucher
When you make a sale you can easily pay for the purchase using a gift voucher.
- Go to the Sales screen. and create a normal sale and click the Complete Sale button to display the Payment screen.
Create a normal sale and click the Complete Sale button to display the Payment screen.
- Under Payment Types select Gift Voucher. This will add the payment detail with Gift Voucher selected and the price pre-populated. You should now enter the Gift Voucher Code in the field displayed. Although not compulsory without it you will be unable to track the balance remaining on the gift voucher.
- When the code is entered, the balance for the Gift Voucher will be displayed. If the balance is less then the Sale amount then the payment won't be allowed unless the balance is paid using another payment method.
- Once the code is entered click the Complete Payment button. This will complete the sale and update the Gift Vouchers Balance.